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Expo Hall Open, Sponsored by [Potomac Ballroom 3]

Connect with over 50 organizations and companies by visiting the LibertyCon Expo Hall, sponsored by Grab a BINGO card at registration and play to be entered into a drawing to win $100 of Bitcoin. Meet with organizations that are hiring for careers...

Welcome to LibertyCon!

Robby Soave kicks off LibertyCon, welcoming attendees to Washington, DC, and sharing what they can expect over the weekend. Wolf von Laer, CEO of Students For Liberty, delivers a personal 10-minute message, inspiring attendees to make the most of the event and embrace...

Alumni Networking Happy Hour [Meeting Room 3]

Interact with fellow industry representatives or cross the lines to other fields and forge inter-organizational bonds. Attendance will be enticed by providing an opportunity to mingle at an early stage of the event and to have some light drinks. Americans For...

Socratic Seminar: Ayn Rand, What is Capitalism? [ROOM – 4]

Join Reliance College for a guided Socratic discussion on a selection from Rand’s Capitalism:The Unknown Ideal. The seminar will explore the moral and practical foundations of capitalism,the role of reason and individual rights in human progress, and Rand’s defense of...