Jaime Rangel

Jaime Rangel

Jaime is a graduate of the Galeo Institute of Leadership class of 2014, Greater Dalton Chamber of Commerce Emerging Leaders class of 2015, and Georgia Hispanic Chamber of Commerce Cultivating Hispanic Leadership Institute class of 2020. Additionally, Jaime serves on...
Ali Procopio

Ali Procopio

Ali is the Director of Education and Workforce for FWD.us, a bipartisan political organization focused on fixing the failed immigration and criminal justice systems. In her work at FWD.us, spanning 10 years, she created new infrastructure to bring students, faculty,...
Emma Camp

Emma Camp

Emma Camp is an Assistant Editor at Reason. Her work has previously appeared in The New York Times, RealClear Policy, and Persuasion. Following her viral New York Times op-ed, “I Came to College Eager to Debate. I Found Self-Censorship Instead.” Emma was...
Stephanie Slade

Stephanie Slade

Stephanie Slade is a senior editor at Reason, a fellow in liberal studies at the Acton Institute; and a media fellow at the Institute for Human Ecology at Catholic University of America. Her writing has appeared in America, The New York Times, U.S. News and World...
Tony Lopes

Tony Lopes

Tony Lopes is a first-generation American, CEO of Dirty Boots Capital, real estate professional, bestselling author, coach, and speaker. He earned a BS in Mechanical Engineering and an MBA from UMass. He worked in the defense industry for 19 years managing...