Andre Freo

Andre Freo

Andre has been involved with the libertarian movement for almost ten years. He held many roles throughout the years, from a Local Coordinator in south Brazil to later becoming Brazilian Programs Director at SFL. Then, he moved on to the private sector to help run a 20...
Topher Field

Topher Field

Topher Field is one of Australia’s leading and most recognized Libertarian Political Commentators and Human Rights activists. Best known for his work on the front lines of the protests and pushback against draconian Covid lockdowns in Melbourne, Australia, Topher has...
Cait Dexter

Cait Dexter

Cait Dexter has been a dedicated member of the liberty movement for nine years, where she’s honed the skills of cultivating partnerships and fostering meaningful connections to build strong communities. With a background in grassroots activism and a keen interest in...
Joe Luppino-Esposito

Joe Luppino-Esposito

Joe Luppino-Esposito is the deputy legal policy director at Pacific Legal Foundation, where he develops policy solutions and advocates for reforms for the federal government. Joe focuses on the PLF Legal Policy Priorities in separation of powers and reforming the...
David Deerson

David Deerson

David Deerson is an attorney at Pacific Legal Foundation, where he focuses on property rights and leads PLF’s litigation efforts on home equity theft. He is a proud alumnus of Students For Liberty, having served in the first class of Campus Coordinators in...