Stephen Kent

Stephen Kent

Stephen Kent is a libertarian political writer, commentator, and communications professional from the Washington, D.C. area. After serving five years as spokesman for the PR nonprofit, Young Voices, Kent anchored Right Now with Stephen Kent, a libertarian-conservative...
Jo Jorgensen

Jo Jorgensen

On the heels of a 2020 election cycle, where Dr. Jo Jorgensen was one of only three candidates to be on the ballot in all 50 states + DC, Jo has become the President of the Board for People For Liberty. A transcendent figure in American Politics, Dr. Jorgensen is the...
Spike Cohen

Spike Cohen

Spike Cohen is a successful business owner, Libertarian activist, and media figure. He is the Founder and President of You Are The Power, a nonprofit focused on using solutions-oriented activism to grow the Liberty movement. ​ Spike started a web design company as a...
Antony Davies

Antony Davies

Antony Davies’ research interests include econometrics, public policy, and consumer behavior. Davies has authored over 150 op-eds for, among others, the Wall Street Journal, Los Angeles Times, Forbes, Investors Business Daily, and New York Daily News. He is a...
Dale Woolridge

Dale Woolridge

Dale Woolridge has a scientifically-oriented Ph.D. in social psychology from The University of Texas at Austin. He has worn many hats as a manager for government and consulting firms and has taught college courses in psychology.